Cappelli Wine in the Sierra Foothills on tap

Marco Cappelli has launched Cappelli Wine, a unique winery in Placerville. Inspired by European models, the winery offers reasonably priced, handcrafted wines made from local vineyards. With affordable prices, these wines emphasize quality and value. Cappelli's venture is rooted in the European tradition of local wine shops, and he aims to show Americans that wine is a staple like bread. Despite challenges, including surviving the Caldor wildfire, Cappelli has opened a bonded winery and tasting room in Placerville, where customers can enjoy a rotating selection of wines on tap. The wines are sold in 750ml bottles and filled to order, encouraging customers to consume them within a month or two. Cappelli's approach, emphasizing community and sustainability over profit, sets his venture apart from commercial wineries in Napa Valley. Read full article: Sierra Foothills on Tap (Wine Spectator, April 6th, 2023)


Sierra Foothills Wine Visits